Question :
How the vowels and sounds act
in the space? How do they strike the brain and create various vernacular sounds
in the brain? How is the language created? Explanation follows :
Life in the earth is
a source of evolution of life. Existence is the survival of the life. The survival
of life in the earth happens of its own accord. This is based on the principle
of vibration and all sounds in the space. This is necessary for the existence
of life. Brainy and non-brainy
life-forms live, act and survive in this manner for their existence. Atmospheric
vibration penetrates through the air and the weather conditions of the Universe.
This cycle is going on in earth. The physical body of life-forms and the living
being’s with limited brains, organise their movements automatically by the impact
of the sound and vibrations. Here the run of life is like this. Human beings have
the most powerful cells with high capacity in their brain. The cells are there
in other organs too, each having certain type of vibrant cells. The sound signals
from the space are similar to a driver of a vehicle which is our body. Without
our brain, our body organs will not work and cooperate for the evolution.
The impact of the vibrations
and the sounds create a sensory feeling that helps sustain the existence while
the brain organ is entirely for the evolution only. Note this distinction carefully.
Language Systems :
All our inner organs are created by the cells and cell tissues. I say boldly that
some brain cells too are scattered throughout the body organs. All sorts of feeling
reverbrations and vibrations are the main active portions of the scattered brain
cells throughout the body. This is channelised by the semenal fluid at the time
of growth of inner organ. So sound is the main cause for the life-organs and the
brain. This is a point for brain research.
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