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Formation Of The Brain
Mar 22 2002

         Inside the skull the brain stuff of each and everybody is situated and the inner portion is acting as an organ and the outer portion of the head skull is giving protection to the inner stuff is called the brain of ours.

         According to my confirmed conviction and knowledge the inside brain stuff is our nerve centre. The word nerve centre is not to be mistaken as the centre from where nerves distribute throughout the body.

         The total brain is called the brain stuff and itself is called the nerve centre for the total body. This stuff is made out of thousands of small fibre strips and its adhesive principles created the entire brain stuff as a rope.

         Inside the child’s skull there are thousands of fibre like strips whose origin is mother’s womb. Thousands of fibre strips float in the water inside the child’s skull.

         In due course of time the thousands of fibre strips get accumulated in the form of a rope and get twisted in Clock wise direction. These strips form the crux of the child’s brain. The formation and the setup of the brain rope managed and positioned its position according to the basic structure of the head size of the child is destined and every formation of the new born including the body, brain and other shapes are the work of our hereditary stuff.

         The brain rope and the setting position of the brain stuff in the skull are similar to our intestine setup in our stomach. The different shapes of the skull of each and everybody and the internal brain rope, weight, power and thinking fashion is different for each and every individual because of the skull’s inner space which is provided for our capacity only. This truthful explanation is called hereditary of a man.

         The absolute total knowledge of our previous birth’s and the sound signals of the various languages of the world are hereditarly stored in the brain fibre is the real cause of our unknown stocked knowledge.

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