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A Short Note On Evolution
Mar 22 2002

         According to the shapes of the human skull, the poles can be determined by the scientist with the help of the shape of the head as well as the poles in the inner brain stuff. All nerve centres are poles. It is a definite conclusion and everybody can believe, all the poles in our entire body system is exposed as a pole fixed in a big tower or building. The exposed poles in all the places will not do damage to the structure whether it is man made structures or the human body. To receive electricity from the space, the poles are all exposed and kept in the proper corners of the body by the Creator.

          The phase cycles to the human body happened by the automatic manipulation of the brain water. These various cycles in their each effect has given a change to our physical body. Coming to the entire structural system of the bone formation of the child, when it was in the womb, everything is completed at the time of its birth. Occasionally to some physical bodies, the nuclear energy in the entire body cells and the body electricity, may or may not, mingle and produce more heat in the body. The radiation come from the nuclear energy supply more power to our entire system for more power and so many other reasons. At times, or at their work, particularly the radiation strikes the body bones. The calcium in the bones get more and more strong by the radiation and this bone radiation function is giving the body pain. The radiation does not happen in the mind stuff. To prevent the destruction of the brain cells, radiation does not happen there. It is a great gift to the human race. Even slightest radiation in the brain causes headache and neurosis. Intermittent evolution is not possible in all the life of the universe. Birth is coming again and again according to the destined principle in the semen. Evolution of a particular species takes place when there is disturbance in the circumstances and survival becomes dificult for that species to exist. Human evolution is rare and it is not possible. The evolution of the humans is natural and according to the belief of Hindus, it is the will of God.


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