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Vision Of The Eternity In Space
Mar 22 2002

         An evolutionised person in the deep conscious seeing practice, has an ability to track the background of the Almighty and its visualising condition in the sky. It would look to the human eyes as a gold foil or a golden plate at the twilight time and is square in shape.

          The seeing person's concentration is ever fixed in the vision and the person's concentrating function is centred and equipoised in the centre point of the square.

          The entire background gives peace, pleasentness, happiness, urge. The next stage of development is seeing the plate's centre point. The centre point's colour looks like burning magnessium powder. The first seeing realisation is the gold plate and the second realisation is our automatic fixation of the centre point concentration. This happening auguments the continuous automatic seeing (or realised concentration). This kind of yoga is the ultimate benefit of the Creator's realisation. But the knowledge of realisation of the creation is not there in the centre.

          This happening is automatic to a practicing yogi. In the two visions (the plate and the point), the centre point seeing naturalism has happened to poets, artists and highly conscious concentrating exercisers. The result of this is, the point we are seeing in the outside in the midst of the golden plate automatically touches the eyebrow centre on it own accord and triggers a particular nerve which is thinner than a strand of hair inside the brain situated in the centre of the skull. Once this happens then the shape of the bhramam (eternity) can be drawn.

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