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Self Replicating Genes (D N A)
Mar 22 2002

          If at all cloning creation succeeds in the world, it is an artificial life making process that only delivers the shapes of the heriditary that is all. It won't deliver the goods, intelligence, quality or the heriditary power at all. On the Contrary, the gift of the cloning is the artificial creation of the being, which is a brutal being of the research. Unto this minute or in my opinion, this system will give bad effects. More powerful brain and knowledge is required for this. I don't know the result of this. Sometimes or the other, some scientist or somebody may come to succeed in this effort. To me, it is a struggling path and it may be a mirage to the world.


          Nucleic acid creates gases. Its another term is RNA. The gases in our inner organs, body and in the blood are working for the sustaining principles of all the fluids in our body. Cleaning of the internal system and the assimilation of the nutritious food and carbohydrates requires so many gases with other things for our internal body's chemistry. The chemical changes in our body is properly acting in a planned way to give a very good health and strength to our system especially based and connected with the food and water we intake. Less or more the RNA, will cause malfunctioning of the intestines. The food we take and the calories of a balanced diet are giving good health to our system. Gastro intestinal problems are the effect of the allergic foods.

          In cloning, shape can be produced and the RNA system can also be corrected. I am writing this article to prove the intelligence of the brain organ. The life giving conscious principle is not at all connected in any type of DNA, RNA, cloning and other scientific methods. The conscious side is the supreme principle of our birth and it has no connection with the body formation. The rest of the things are completely connected with the body growth and the brain growth. The conscious principle is directly connected with the chlorophyll.

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