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Brain And Frequencies - Hf, Lf And Waves
Apr 30 2002

         Natural power is the natural power of the brain. This expression is called the system of the brain function. Naturalism is working as a safety method to all beings. We all know the natural power of the brain. To the brain organ there is no unnatural powers but the disorderly function of the brain is a separate disease called neurosis. It occurs because of man's brooding over something, the mind being either depressed or over enthusiastic, which may cause little damage to the brain organ. In the entire world population the naturalism of the destined life and life beings are all still existing in the world as usual as it stands now.          

         In the same universe we see the prodigies with supernatural brain and mental powers living here and there in all parts of the world. The above mentioned supernatural activities of these brains are caused by the very high and very low frequencies of sound, heat and electricity.

         How is it possible to these people only among the great population is a very great question in front of the world. I am writing the answer here in support of this paper. Scientifically, receiving the high frequencies is not possible by the physical and nervous system of ours. But in the case of prodigies and super natural people the supernatural system is working by doing constant conscious eyebrow concentrating practice. It activates the entire forehead nerves and the deep concentration creates the third eye to these people. This method is the only method to withstand the LF and HF and gives safety to the entire system and gives absolute creative knowledge. Thinking is their natural act.

         When a natural person does conscious concentration in the eyebrow portion, the person gets the capacity to receive and withstand high frequencies. After this, the person can make use of the high frequencies. The brain centers and the nervous system will get damaged if the person who does not know the eyebrow concentrating system receives the high frequencies.

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