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The Value Of A Thinking Line In The Brain Of A
Man And Women And Its Naturalism
Aug 02 2002

        The hereditary quality is the thinking quality of the human brain. This is happening in our life because of our brain organ. The organ's capacity is embedded in the quality of all. Three types of qualities are taking their birth's through the semen eggs of the human race.  
The recipe in the semen and the thinking strength of a core in the egg is the cause of the three qualities of all. Each and every quality is evolutionising separately for them to reach their best position.

        We can acquire the best educational knowledge. It is possible to everybody. But the acquired knowledge and the evolution process have no connection at all. These two are always going apart and go side by side. This is the real cause in the human evolution. So the scientific world cannot produce a better person according to their will. That is why I am emphasising that cloning is a futile exercise at present. The value of thinking is the real approximate value of a man's quality.

        This quality is in the thinking cells of the brain. Reading and accumulating the best educational knowledge is not in the power of the brain nor in the thinking cells also. It is in the memory portion only. Good, better and best values of the human being are in the cells that have the quality portion of the brain. Hence cloning process is not destined to succeed.

        We cannot take genius people as example for cloning because three types of qualities are controlling the birth and brain evolutions.

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