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Swamiji's Reply To A Query On How Memories Are Being Carried From Birth To Birth
Nov 04 2002

QUERY: How a tiny cell (A living organism) carries memories of previous births and is transmitted during emotional pleasures? Any organism that is living will also die with the human body. If this is the case I would like to know how the tiny cells carry memories from birth to birth?

REPLY: Though the organism dies when the human body perishes, the qualities of the organism will be present in the hereditary system of that person. Hence it continues hereditarily. A child may be born with the same qualities of the person who has passed away decades before because of the hereditary qualities in the genes of that lineage.

Reincarnations and transmigrations are rare and entirely different and I am not linking this with what has been said in the previous paragraph.

Reincarnations and transmigration will occur only when there is no chances of continuity in the lineage because of say, a massacre or everybody getting killed in an atom bomb explosion.



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