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Astral Body - A Study
Jan 02 2003

        This body belongs to the spirit world.

        What is this astral body? An etherel air existence in the shape of cocoon is in our body. This is eternal to some extent after death.

        Actually it is a counterpart of our physical body. It has come to exist in our bosom. This peculiar body is a truth and exists in life planet.

        The process of liberation of the life principle starts right from our first birth and goes on till it gets liberated from the astral body. This liberating process goes on in this world till the death of a person and the process continues in the ether space till it either gets liberated and merges with the total macro life principle of the universe or takes rebirth.

        The aspiration, thinking and struggling to liberate from this small etherel existence is mainly to merge with the total macro life principle of the universe.

        The religious thinkers of India are experts in this line.

        In the fourth month of growth of the fetus in the mother's womb, the super natural etherel existence enters through the brain of the mother and gives life to the growing principle of the baby inside the womb.

        The consciousness of a person and the absolute conscious of the creation are studded in this human etherel body.

        When this body associates with our growing birth, the first thinking of "one's self" is called identification of life. This is our own surviving life now in the body.


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