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Trance - A Study
Jan 08 2003

        The state of trance has its own several shapes of body postures. The final happening in its state are the twisting of strands, internal nerves, bones, and muscles systems will occur at each and every stage of trance.

        In it is, a sign of the person's evolutionised growth and the enjoyable struggle giving effect in the body.

        The trance-moulded people would definitely have jumped to the higher evolution either in this birth itself or in their next birth.

        What is the present stage of the trance is to be told. What is the etheral existence of the athma's (Life beyond death) position in the next birth? Has it got any other reincarnation? How it is going to liberate from the cycle for its final emergence? These are questions for mankind.

        The decision is in the hands of naturalism or in the Almighty's creating principle.

        In catalysts action a substance is producing chemical change in the body for the "Catalepsy".

        It happens in a state of suspended consciousness especially from rapture or ecstasy.

        A symptom in the eye is visible to identify this stage. Those persons who get this type of experience in their body regularly will appear romantically enthusiastic with eagerful eyes. This will be exhibited in them for some time. Some may get this stage with open eyes and some may get with closed eyes.

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