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Miracles (March 27 2003)

Here are several photographs of my body and my parts. I am very interested to do research on my own self and supply the authenticated knowledge from my brain about the miracles occurring in my body.

In India, the aromatic substance of the pure whitest form is the holy ash that Lord SHIVA applies on his forehead.  From time immemorial the people in India apply this on their forehead for their attached concentration with Lord SHIVA, their personal god. That is why our scriptures add this ash-manifesting occurrence in the list of miracles. Several types of manifestations are auto manifestations that happen due to the conscious concentration, and the conscious feeling of the religious person gives knowledge about the miracles. For the religious persons, it is only through concentration practices towards God that they can feel the experience of the miracles. To them, strong faith in God is the starting point and the first milestone.

The miracles happen in the body of the religious person and you are seeing that in the picture. The wonder of this manifestation is that the manifesting ash is occurring not only in the body of the person but also in the photo of the person wherever they are. This action of the miracle occurrence indicates universal conscious principle both in the universe and in the body of the person. These are elemental natural atomization and it eliminates the decaying principle and changes the dust of the five natural elements into ash. Even according to science, the ash represents the last existing mass of the universe. In this ash there is no atom at all. So the ash-manifesting occurrence is our Almighty’s glorious action in the universe.


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