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 Cause Of Materialistic Thinking And Spiritual Thinking
(April 25, 2003) 

 When the astral body wants to leave a person it slowly moves downwards towards the leg. This is the reason why a person goes into “Coma” stage as it has left the brain part. It finally reaches the toe of the leg and goes out the body. Till the toe of the astral body is in connected to the toe of the physical body the person will have life. Once it leaves the toe it starts going upwards. It will be very small in size. 

The astral body can see, listen and know places. That is the reason why it is stressed in Indian scriptures to see and listen to good things. The astral body has only sound waves. It will always tell good. Since it always goes up the re-birth of it is very little.

When a society has lot of spiritual thinking the astral body that has already left human beings will like to come to that place. Re-birth takes places. It wanders in places where spiritual thinking is present.  


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