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Religion For Knowledge Evolution

Mar 22 2002

          Arya is the name of a society. It is not a caste. Here I am explaining the derivation of the word to the reader for better understanding. The Sun is the deity Hindus worshipped daily. Sun is their presiding God. The four vedas have explained the sun as a nourisher of the life beings in the world. He is the protector, destroyer and creator. The Sun God drives His chariot with seven horses. This is the form of the Sun God in India. We have temples for the Sun God in Konark and other places in South India. The philosophical meaning of this is very important. Chariot is an example for the world. Sun is the seeing God. Sun light emits seven colours throughout the universe. Seven horses are the example of the seven colours of the sun rays. This God has got rituals in Rig veda. To perform pooja, the people are reciting that portion. The name of the Sun God is 'Surya' in sanskrit. People worshipped the Sun along with His brightness calling Him by a new name 'Bhaskara'. 'Bhaskara' is a sanskrit word. Bhasitham is the terminology. It explains the work of the Sun. Bhasi means be bright as a sun. Bhasitham means brightness of the sun. So God is called as Bhaskara. This Bhaskara in the chariot is the cause for the total energy of the universe. This thinking has given a great faith to the hindus. They worshiped and concentrated the sun for the better knowledge and evolution. The Rig veda says the charioteer of Surya is 'Aruna'. According to our scriptures we called the early morning sun as 'Aruna'. Arunodhayam means sun rise. This sun rise is a visible one to everybody. The charioteer's name is 'Aruna' and Sun's name is 'Arya'. The name given to the Sun at Mid-day is Surya. The name of Sun at sun rise is 'Aruna'. His designation is charioteer. The Sun, when he gets the position of God is call 'Arya' or 'Aryama'. From the name 'Arya' and 'Aryama', the worshippers of Sun God were called the 'Aryas' or 'Aryamas'. In later stage it became Aryans.

         At the time of sunset we can find the same morning sun in the evening. You can find the sun in the west. At that time His name is 'Sandhya'. Sunset is called 'Sandhya'. Vandhana means worship. This is the worship of God by Aryans. We can find more mantras, effects, news and everything about the sun in the Rig veda only. The rest of the three vedas (yagur, sama and atharvana) embraced the entire land's worship, God's and rituals for them to worship and mantras for the same to get powers from the deities.

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