mentioned above the isotoping occurs in the human body through hereditary. This
is the destined truth which cannot be analysed. If we analyse definitely error
and lack of faith will occur. People are analysing the truth with the unreal matter
world. So many truths are in the world. Each may be separate in its nature. But
all of them has to be seen by us as the truths of the world. Quality is an english
word. In sanskrit language quality is called Guna.Sweetness is the quality of
sugar. This is an example for Guna. The people in the world come under three qualities.
They are Satva Guna, Rajo Guna and Tamas Guna. Quality is genetic. It is hereditary.
According to the quality each and every child is determined for its behaviour.
Good ,bad and the evil is under the control of the hereditary quality. The isotoping
power system will work under the influence of the genetic quality. The reflection
of the quality is found in all the organs of the body including the brain.