is a stage of one's soul realisation in the body. When the soul has passed out
of the body with a very little touch of body consciousness, it will make a man
to be in the trance state at the own convenience of the soul. Each and everybody
has got a soul in his body. Its convenience and its effort is to use the vehicle
(the body) to abosorb more experience of the universe or the cause of the universe
with the help of the body. The physical body goes to trance. This vehicle is fully
useful to gain more experience of the world. A very strong religious feeling of
a man and the assimilation of the experience to think about the soul and enquire
about the soul for more experience is called the great desire of a man. The people
of the world may give so many meanings to the great desire, the word which is
essential for everything. I am not confronting about those expressions and explanations.
The religious people and some thinkers who concentrate more on the side of the
universal emergence and its first cause, may think and they have seen all the
avenues of the thinking side of the world. Amidst this type of thinking and probe
for the first cause or for more knowledge, the religions of the world discovered
the theory of the soul and the soul existence in the person's self. At the time
of living, the soul in the body is a matter of experience to the religion. The
religion will give more importance to this because, the human soul is the cause
of the sole experience of the trance state. In India, and in some other places
the religious minded people give the name to the soul as astral body inside the
physical body, which is the cause for the life and absolute knowledge. Brain is
an organ, soul is not an organ. It keeps the life forever till the liberation
of the life. Its role is an important one to the religious people. All the hindu
religious scriptures stressed the soul and not the body. At the time of living,
the religious minded people make use of the soul with the physical body for their
evolution. In the trance state, the same religious man evolves as a saint.