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Brain And Frequencies - Hf, Lf And Waves
Apr 30 2002

         The striking action of the various frequencies is a stimuli to the sane tendency of the brain cells and power stimulation of the brain organ in toto.

         Sound, heat, and electric waves have various frequencies in the space. According to the stress of the sound, power of the heat and the fast striking electric waves, the frequencies vary and they strike the earth and living beings with different powers to create activity.

         Whether the striking actions of these frequencies are high or low both these actions are not good to our brain and whole system. LF and HF waves cause damage to the brain cells. But the brain has got the capacity to withstand these LF and HF and save itself and the brain stuff on its own accord.

         The healthy brain organ of each and everybody receives all sorts of frequencies from the universe and has activated the brain cells and has given more power to work for anything under the sun. It is naturally maintained and its maintainable system is in the body or in our consciousness which is a fact.

         The physical body receives the frequencies from the power of sound and heat. The brain cells and the body cells receive the frequencies only to the extent unto the physical body can withstand. This power is given by the Almighty. It is natural in our system. The brain cells have the capacity to automatically switch off the hearing capacity of the ear if it exceeds the capacity of the eardrum to receive the signals.

         Automation of our receiving activity of the frequencies is natural and it maintains the power of correct thinking, level headedness, etc. for the good results of our natural system. Confusion-free, depression-free tendencies are all the good activities of our natural functioning of our brain. In-between the frequencies and the brain cells there is no harm, disturbance, chaotic or irregular thinking, (normal) activities of our brain system and motoring system of the nerve centers of the body. In this way man, women and other living things in the world are safe.

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