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Brain Power And Its Natural Blockade
Sep 02 2002

        The brain is an organ of the human body. Its capacity is called as the power of the brain. Having the capacity, our own brain also has the quality (quality of a person) in its formation and this is a natural formation through genetic or hereditary. This cannot be avoided by any other scientific method. It is not possible to wipe out the man's quality and leaving the capacity alone in the birth.

        Human birth falls under the hereditary system. The 'life cell formation' principle for the physical body and the construction (height, weight, etc.), colour of the skin, colour of the eyes, etc. all these are formed in the hereditary system. In the same manner, the brain organ and its size, power and capacity are too controlled by the hereditary science.

        At the time of reading and observing the different types of brain's and brain capacities, knowledge, intelligence and IQ are all the growth of the mind. Even though the growth is a good sign, the satisfaction of oneness in the growth is not evident and it is different for each and every body. This is because, the life growth is undergoing 'struggling principle' for its survival. For this natural phenomenon, the quality in the hereditary system, i.e., in the thinking process of a man, is helping in one way for his survival.

        The other way round, the quality is a great blockade for the absolute growth and acquiring absolute knowledge. All intelligent people differ because of this and not because of any other thinking. The conscious principle amidst this life is working only for the conscious of the physical body and the universe. To make contact with the conscious principle, man needs his own brain. The capacity of the brain can do the work and research for the consciousness. This subject is separate.

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