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Brain Power And Its Natural Blockade
Sep 02 2002

        A few words about the fluid semen - This liquid is whitish in colour. It contains sperms. This sperm is produced by the sex organ of a man. This sperm combines with a female egg. What is in a sperm? A few live male cells are present. The female cell combines with a sperm for its reproduction. This hereditary system is called as our natural genetic code.

        The arrangements of genes that control each living thing will develop according to the hereditary code. Sex chromosome - 'X' in the female side exist in pairs. This formation is also by itself. The 'X' exists in the male cell too. The 'X' of the male and female compare with themselves before joining. Each compares with the other.

        This genetic information is put in the web because it is essential for brain research. Also through science, man cannot create anything new but can increase his talent. Amidst this routine process, the contact of the universal energy for the brain-power and the work of the super natural force of our cells is to be watched for the brain study

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