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Swamiji's Reply To A Query On Dualism Of Brain
Apl 18 2002

        The experience of seeing rays and lights in colours as and when you are getting them, even though suddenly, is good. It is the conscious practice of your brain and that is also happening automatically. It shows to me that you are very keen in new experiences and have your own joy in the new knowledge of the universe.

        We are having so many unconscious feelings like seeing, hearing and concentrating which are going on in our mind automatically on its own. Why some experiences are visible and why some or not? It may or may not be a question. The answer is, we are always conscious of so many powerful feelings and seeing scenarios of the world. This is true. But at the same time the other experiences and feelings of our brain cells are in a low key in our bosom. This experience is the dualism-state of functioning of the brain. Actually there is no dualism. That is my opinion. The brain is like a file system. One by one we are equipped by our stocked memory in an orderly way. It is all the work of our consciousness. Brain concentration is a very helpful practice to arrange, re-arrange, recollect, proceed straight and reversal attitude is possible. It is a brilliant experience.

        In the conscious brain we concentrate by conscious thinking. In thinking we have sound. Sound will get converted to design. Countless designs are present in the universe. The mind, which is practiced to concentrate deeply, is always in its own alert and has the capacity to receive even feeble sounds. From all sorts of sounds including feeble sounds we get an inside vision. The shape that we are experiencing in our inner brain is same in shape in the universe and has all the sound signals in it. It permanently pervades in various shapes in the form of sound signals in the universe. This type of dualism is there in the world. Man on his own accord cannot create any new knowledge, sound, language and experiences without the several shapes and forms in the universe.


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