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Swamiji's Reply To A Query On Dualism Of Brain
Apl 18 2002

         That which exists outside also exists in the inside and vice-versa. My analysation in this line is very strong. I am convinced that this monism and dualistic principles in the world, though they appear to be two is actually one. This one principle looks like dualistic principle. It is like the sun in the sky reflected in the water tub.

        Life in the planet is destined. Actually speaking there is no dualism. Dualism is called the reflection of realism or reality. Reality is called the one or oneness in the universe. People are experiencing the reflection of the one thing or one matter or one permanent practical theory or God in the universe.

        Life means knowing or getting contacted and touched with the several types of energies in the universe. In this way I always explain to everybody. Many may say this and term this as spirit.

        Inhaling and exhaling is our automatic brain function. Feeling the inhaling and exhaling is called the conscious concentration. The result of this type of witnessing concentration will give the real explanations of the right functioning of the universe and this accumulated knowledge is a real answer for all sorts of doubts. Anatomic brainy thinking is only helpful to one to give more knowledge to a man.



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