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Signals And Metalcores
Jul 29 2002

        The elemental action in our body system is to be kindled. It is kindled only by concentration alone. The concentrating effect is having its main effect in the nerves and the nerve centres in the body. The working of the electronics in the body as well as the static electricity suction through thousands of pores in the body layers is a very fantastic troops regimentation action. It is an experience of a spiritual man and women. In my opinion it is science.   

       What is the opinion of the other man is the other man's cause. Each and everybody's opinion and his sincere studies and research may or may not augment more knowledge to the knowledgeable world. But the work should go on in the world. It is my avaricious ambition hence I am doing this work.

          The brain cells are receiving the signals from the outer space. It is true. The hair of the human body, pores, nail centres and bone joints are mainly working for the electronic activities and directly function as our contact receiving poles. Bone strands and muscle strands do the same actions in our inner body. The bone strands and muscle strands may work individually or in a combined manner. Whatever the manner may be, the person will be a super natural person.

          The sun is made out of hydrogen and helium. The sun is the main supplier of these energies. The functions of natural and supernatural forces of the life-beings are directly produced by the glowing sun. The sun has got all the subjects in it and gives knowledge and it also acts as an object.

         Have your mind in the red colour of the sun. Hot nitrogen gas is flashing the red colour and that red light is fully spread out in the universe. We are looking at the same in our spiritual realisation process. The mind concentration is perfectly acting on the optical nerve centre in the brain and makes our eyes to visualise the red colour and other various colours in the outside space as well as inside through the brain cells. It is the colour seeing expericences of a concentrating practioner.

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