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 Brain Power And Mental Power (April 8, 2003) 

 A person’s mentality is in his hereditary. It is common for both the sex. Behavior, brutal nature, state of calmness, cunningness, merciful tendency and sexual-aptitude nature are all termed as the quality and quantity of a person. 

These qualities appear from the birth itself. This mentality of the quality of the person does not change by any terms and means. Because of this science the rest of the brain does not change these things. But we can control these mentalities by going along with the brain because the brain has got the power. 

According to the conviction of my thinking, the quality corrupts the mind as well as the brain stuff. To control the mental part by the rest of the brain parts is good. Failing in the control action spoils the total brain immediately.

In this way the brutal brain prevails day-by-day and will be with us. Bad thinking of the brain, our coloured vision and the deep feelings spoils the human race.

In the society, the motivated preachers, speakers or somebody always touch the society to drag the brain feeling of each and every person to his or her end.

The human mind is strong as well as brittle. Circumstances create the mind’s feelings. The inducement and temptations are all on the outer 


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