The total brain stuff as it was at the birth and upto this minute has tremendous power to create new things.
The above mentioned mental portion in us has the quality alone. This portion is termed as human being’s human nature, etc. Nobody can give a new terminology to the brain organ or its power. It is plain, pure and powerful. We will have to be careful in our life to tag the mental portion with the brain.
By indulging in every worldly action often at our own cost the mind alone remains and the brain is dormant. Avoid this and be always in control of the mental power by the total power of the brain for our real emancipation.
In this way we can counter the quality of a man and give obstacles to the growing mental power towards the worldly side. Good teachings, reading, hearing can do lot of help for the right direction of the brain functioning. Brainpower must be supreme and regulate the mental power, which should be subordinate to the brainpower forever. Religion in one way is useful in this effort.