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(July 21, 2003)

The lower portion of the brain stuff is a division of the brain. The division- wise bisecting formula is useful thinking and doing research about this organ. The upper and middle portion of the brain is a big area in its division. What is its functioning based on? The upper portion of the brain is a division that is fully a consciousness retainer. The human being’s consciousness vibration is comparable with electric shock. I even express this shock with the lightning stroke. This permanent shock is daily going on in our head at the exact top centre point of the brain stuff.

Brain cell’s absorption of consciousness, quick vibration transmitting cells are arranged in the mid portion of the brain organ as a vertical straight line. These cells function like lightening arrester. This sudden arrest by the brain stuff is called the consciousness of the brain. This striking conscious electricity becomes our main brain wave. Even though this conscious principle is separate, it takes the new name of brain wave. The reason is, this principle will touch the brain organ alone. No other organ is ready to take the attack or to sustain this in its portion. 


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