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(July 21, 2003)

The feasibility of the brain cells are capacitated to receive the consciousness alone. So the brain is alert at all times. The brain’s capacity is our conscious alertness. Apart from the mid portion’s cells, the entire cells in the other portions have the rejuvenating conscious alertness. This alertness is our brain. The impermanency of our life rests with the left, right and in the top head too.

Somehow or the other, the full consciousness is in the hands of the vertical cells.

The consciousness transmission of its little striking tendency is supplying little consciousness to the top vertebra of the spinal column. This little contact of the consciousness is giving dreams to the people. 

The left side cells are fully in charge of the right side body. The right side cells are in charge of the left side body nerves. The alertness of the right side consciousness is more than the alertness of the left side consciousness. Our brain considers the liver organ more and is always vigilant about that organ. This care is taken by the right side brain. The right side nerves are fully alert and stimulate the central nerves conscious system. 

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