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Gnanacheri - Chronicle
Mar 22 2002

         In the 18th century, Brahmagnani Sadasiva Brahmam, the emobodiment of Sivamsa, dedicated himself entirely to the service of God irrespective of caste, creed and religion. At a certain stage of his life his Guru Paramasivendra Sankaracharya, imposed upon him mauna, a command he obeyed implicitly and faithfully till he attained Jeevasamadhi at Nerur. In the 20th century, to fulfill the unfinished mission, the saint made his avatar as the child of Sri Krishnaswamy and Rukmani Ammal and came under the divine influence of God with Purvajanma Gnana in full, manifested in his miraculous exploits even at an young age.

         In 1979, “Gnanacheri”, a divinely ordained institution, was established by him to give regular discourses to the bhakthas and awaken their sense of divinity. During the last 19 years, the Gnanigal has, by his lucid lectures and writings, shown to the common man that evolution of superior culture and sophistication is God sense.

          “Gnanacheri’, initially functioned in a small way in the terrrace of Murudi’s Lodge at Luz, Chennai, India. Thanks to the spread of Gnanigal’s teachings, the organisation has grown steadily and has been functioning in the Kalyannagar Association in Mandaiveli for years now. By the grace of God, a plot was acquired in Kelampakkam in which Gnanigal is erecting a temple for Gods Pasupatheeswarar and Sundara Varadaraja Perumal.

          Gnanigal’s uniqueness is that his service to God transcends the common barriers of caste or religion, in order to emphasise the aspects of duty, bhakthi, love towards God. This emphasis runs like a thread through everyone of his discourses or exhortations. His ability to present the old and time honoured faiths and beliefs in a fresh and acceptable light helps to awaken the dormant God-love in every man.

          Gnanigal’s expositions of the fundamental truths underlying observances like Sivarathri, Navarathri, Christmas, Meeladi Nabi, and Sikhism, Jainism, etc., can be an eye-opener to visualise the fundamental God. In fact, he has presented Buddhism and its tenets in a fresh light.    

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