two experiences of the Hindu religion are, to attain Godhood and attain the God
consciousness. It is necessary for the enquirer to know what is the meaning of
Godhood and how to attain it. The Godhood experience is a different experience
from the another one (God consciousness). Hindu saints are classified into these
two catagories. Godhood principle needs the feeling of the Personal God that are
still existing in Hinduism. The feeling of the personal deity in the conscious
state reflects in the three bodies of the human being. The attainment of Godhood
feeling first appears in the physical body. This physical body is called as 'sthula
sarira' of a person. All our feelings are worldly experiences. The physical body
of a human being is constructed in a way to realise and experience the feelings
of the matter world. Here the reader should note properly that the feeling and
experience of the physical body, experienced by us in the first instance is in
the mingled state. The truth realised in it is, the feeling of, the 'sthula sarira'
will automatically seperate its existence when the practitioner grows. Afterwards
the same physical body experiences the universal process and the energy processing
principle. The second type leads the practitioner to enter the knowledgable world.
This philosophy is in Hinduism. We need personal God for these experiences.
Rituals, actions, chanting
of mantras and praising God are the ways to reflect the personal deity's quality
on us. This ardent following principle is called "Saguna bhrama upasana'.
The meaning of this is, God has got form, He or She appears in front of us, hears
our mantras, and their blessings are the contacts of the presiding deity. Hinduism
emphasised all human beings are acting according to their existing guna (Quality).
Without quality it is not possible to act. So too, the deities in Hindu temples
designed by our scriptures have their various gunas. We people, need several types
of qualities (gunas) to realise universal consciousness in various angles.
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