The believers of this fact and the non-believers
of this fact at all times are in Asia. The non-believers
in the Hindu school of thought say, beyond the
universe there is no superhuman being who is
controlling the creations. They believe their
realisation is 'nothing'. If at all to realise,
it is the matter world that is to be realised.
The believers of God and their argument is,
there must be a very powerful thing, being,
or a different matter which is more powerful
than the matter in the universe and galaxies.
This school of thought strongly believes that,
the existing matter-world is a part and parcel
of the superhuman being or thing. The existing
matter in the space differs from the superhuman
thing, matter or God because of the changes
that takes place every minute in our existing
matter principle, which is named by them as
the five great elements of God. These elements
are created by the Almighty and He is doing
the changes in the elements and other actions
in it. The cause in the matter world is God's
power, which is refered by us as energy. These
two types of thinking schools are there in Hinduism.
Difference of sex is not the decision of God.
God has no sex. Sex differences occur at the
time of birth to all beings. We will be going
deeply into this subject later.