Take your mind to the spot where pitutary glands
generating the human semen are located. The
glands will be activated. This Yoga is also
called Lambiga Yoga. The results from this practice
is that the mind of the man will get yogic power
in a state called Unmattha. This signifies freedom
from any rules and regulation of life and the
man is fully liberated. Avaddhuttas attain this
There are nine Iyamams which are as follows
- Bramacharyam
- Balanced diet
- Courage Compassion
- Speaking the truth
- Honest thinking
- Tolerance
- Free from dreams
- Ahimsa
practices will result in cleansing deeper conscious
state of the self, that is, Athma Suddhi.
- This is physical and mental capacity of a
man. If the above practice are fully realised,
a new state of life comes to a Yogi which is
called in sanskrit Vaithrutha which is the opposite
of Paithrutha (madness).