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Raja Yoga - Part - I
Mar 22 2002

Nayanam (Eyes)
           Close your eyes and take the Manas from the inner boosom and put it first in the left eye ball and then the right eye ball. Do this practice of concentration in the eyes and the mind and the eye would merge as one. Prolong this practice with the help of the Guru. The benefit of this practice is that the yogi can see the world in seven different colours with Darshan of the visible and invisible rays of light. The Yogi gets the attaiment of the knowledge of creation in the world.

Nabi Kamalam (Navel)

           Put the Manas in this place and chant the sound OM in a silent way. One can hear ten type of musical notes. Dasavidha Nadam.
Heart Take your mind and put it in the inner portion of the Heart. This is Hridiya Dhyanam. Close the eyes, hold the pulse, feel it and take your Manas to the inner portion of the Heart. The result of this practice will be that creative oxygen called Prana will get regulated on its own accord. It will enter and reach the Brain and open the cells of the brain automatically. This state is called Sahasrara Kamala Siddhi.

Kandam (Adams Apple)
           Move your chin down to touch the Adams apple. Close your lips tightly so that no air escapes. Keep cocking your head to touch the Adams Apple. The result is that the Ida, Pingla, Pranayamam, Dhyanam of Patanchali yoga are automatically realised. It will be possible to change the flow of the Ida and Pingala. They will get repeated automatically in a natural way. The benefits from this practice is the ability to sgenerate super sonic sounds and send the same through the space to any part of the world and control the movement of living beings in those parts.

Kandiga Sthanam
           Close your mouth. Put your mind on the tip of the tongue and concentrate only on the tip. Continue this practice and try to erase the image of the rest of the tongue slowly. Deeply concentrate on this point again and again. The result from this practice is the taste of the Amritha that the yogi tastes is his own generated saliva which turns sweet nectar after the practice. This has the power of restoration of youth.

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