circumstantial characteristics are giving a ‘state’
to the mind. Excited moments and agitated conditions
of the mind gives a peculiar type of style-of-functioning
to the mind. This impact on our brain organ is
happening because of the surrounding environmental
movements of the outside world. In general, this
type of normal just-elevated condition of the
mind is not common to numberless or many people
of the universe. Quite a few percent of people
in the society may happen to be prey of such happenings
in the world. So, the outside activities of the
world and the activities that we involve in the
world are a personal matter to us or to everybody.
Caution about this sense of functional feeling
and keeping our own balance-of-mind within our
reach is important. These two phenomena are general
to the brainy people.
correct instructions to our brain organ are, to
always read the universe, about men and women,
and observe the natural scenario of the world.
This will give some support to our organ to be
in the state of balance. 100% equilibrium state
or absolute state of balance is, in our thinking
and our choice of reading, taking any subject
or object for study. It is a real health to the
brain. Read the writings and think about your
stand in the society and try to know the state
of your mind. It is a personal study of each and
everybody. Even a very good professor or a teacher
has no hand in somebody’s mind and his state
of conditions. Nobody should cause any struggle
to the mind of others. Character building and
loving the same knowledgeable stuff is a tonic
to our brain. It is always there in the universe.
of mind is giving a fact to others to judge us
in the mind-reading state or in the calmness mood
of the mind.