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State Of The Mind
Sep 03 2002

State of thinking :

        This action is common to everybody. How to think? What to think? Asking a question, what I should select to think? All these are not questions at all. These type of questioning or feelings by your mind is itself a clear thinking and the starting point of thinking of a man. I think this explanation will do for a man to start thinking.

State of equilibrium :

        Keep the mind organ away from the world and see the universe for the sake of seeing. Its naturality will not give even a slight agitation to the organ. This state of mind is dragging the organ and makes the equilibrium state a habit.

State of confusion :

        Bluntly speaking about this, nobody gets this state. The state of confusion arises in the brain because of the ambitious and avaricious spirit of ours. This will arise automatically in the brain and will not at all be known to the person. The already recorded feeling in the mind, when he aspires to see the things in the world and thinks about the differences in the objects and the steadiness attitude of our little spirit in our mind will confuse our brain at times. It will happen regularly to some persons according to their intermittent thinking of the subjects, objects and universe.

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