of remembrance :
people in their blank stage of their mind think
everything from the zero based starting point.
Super state of thinking cells in the memory portion
of the brain will start to function slowly and
gradually and drag us to the zero based thinking
point. This type of functioning brain can create
new writings and thinking stage by stage in its
upwards voyage. Brain is always in the caution
mode at all times and at times like this state
of thinking. The gradual functioning in this state
occurs, be cautious to avoid the confusion state
of our mind. The feelings of a person in this
state of condition, as time progresses will start
thinking fast. This will become natural to his
brain. State of consciousness is a state of mind.
The state of consciousness is the inward thinking
of our mind. It gives equilibrium to the mind.
Most probably this state of practice is in the
Thought provoking state
provoking action is a very beautiful action of
our mind. This action won’t give any state
to the brain. Provoking a man to act is itself
an act. This is known to everybody and most of
the people are provoking the other person and
unnecessarily creating anger to persons. This
type of provocation is not required at all. The
negative action is not necessary to us. The last
stage of thought provoking action of our brain
cells is our positive side of action.
entire brain stuff, thinking cells or our memory
portion won’t totally function at the time
of thought provoking i.e., the positive side of
action. Provoke, or thought-provoke is completely
centered in the deep concentration of any one
of our cell (i.e., generally expressing, the concentration
of a man).