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How The Birth Evolution Is Evolutionising The Jumping Up To The New Evolution Stream
Aug 07 2002

        It is very interesting to see the cloning research and closely observe the acting process in its fertility strength and fertilisation. This can be done with the seminal fluid and the egg's quick activity. For observation in this fertility project, a scientist should have a semen bank.

        An interesting and elaborate bank for this to collect and store the semen fluids and eggs of human beings is necessary. Form time to time taking persons and perform cloning with their strength fluid and eggs will make it possible to produce a scientific baby.

        This is a very great achievement and the higher education is giving solace to people who want a child. But the same cloning research should augment and produce a new branch to create genius and brainy children for the society's betterment, thinking and growth. The best ever seeing society in toto may need this research.

        Then the subject would be a cherished one to the scientific world. All the births in the universe are not an accident. In one way all the births in the society is destined. But the destined principle is coming through the hereditary evolution. The present birth growing principle is termed as its natural cyclic process.

        Semenal fluid and eggs have three qualities in their recipe to produce different births in the universe. All these three qualities are coming again and again to produce new births to the world and its inherent qualities differ. The qualities in the three recipe fluids and eggs are all active principles and all of them are earth bound qualities.

        Higher quality in the principle of the genetic fluids is required to make and create a genius person in its own cycle.

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