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How The Birth Evolution Is Evolutionising The Jumping Up To The New Evolution Stream
Aug 07 2002

         Cross-pollination from one cycle to another cycle is giving a chance to the successful cloning.

        The above mentioned two natural practices are very rare. In other words you can say that these are happening by chance.

        To do the systematic cloning we will have to watch the human cloning process and its activation in the laboratory. Side by side, my firm idea is the researcher can do research and watch closely the plant kingdom, certain animals and the gel and mass formations. This basic observation may or will help in the cloning research.

        In the plant kingdom a natural cloning process is going on naturally in the world. In the animal kingdom it is not possible for me to take the Darwin's theory 100% for the cloning observations.

        I can say to observe the following three animals and the cloning research in their life. It is an interesting study. This study can be taken for human cloning research for more knowledge. Rats, rabbits and pigs are the three animals that have connection to the human race cycle.

        Now the present world is taking these lives for our lab tests. Study more in this line in human cloning. How the lives of rats, rabbits and pigs have connection with human cloning will be analysed in our next essay.



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