June 16 2001
Muruga Mantra
Om Thathpurushaaya vidhmahe
Maha senaaya dheemahee
Thanash Shanmuga prachothayath. More...
May 29 2001
Brain is an organ like our hands and legs. It
is our inner organ in the skull for our thinking
purpose. Its work is pure thinking. To everybody
in the world, from birth to death, the total brain
won't function... More...
April 14 2001
Self determination in the 'self' is called self
determination. To have self determination within
ourself, we will enquire our own self. What is self?
Bhagawan Ramana's philosophy is an answer to this
self... More...
April 09 2001
Condition of sleeping is called a rest and relaxation
of the body muscles. The awakening state of consciousness
is more or less totally not in the muscles. The
muscles, tissues and other... More...
14 2001
Mind (manas) is a powerful thinking portion . More...
31 2001
Psychology : Study of the mind is psychology.
The close study of the mind and its functions of
a healthy man does not reveal any important behaviour
of the mind. It means the function of the... More...