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Hallux Dimension
The place or point or digit of the farthest behind vertebrate in the backbone structure is called "Hind"All animals with backbone structure have vertebrates. Nerve and other structural bone have... (Aug 27 2002) More...

How The Birth Evolution Is Evolutionising The Jumping Up To The New Evolution Stream
It is very interesting to see the cloning research and closely observe the acting process in its fertility strength and fertilisation. This can be done with the semenal fluid and the egg's...
(Aug 07 2002) More...

The Value Of A Thinking Line In The Brain Of A Man And Women And Its Naturalism
The following findings of my writing is having a real value of each and every brain organ and its destined naturalism.I am giving it to the brain research scientist and hope my writing will... (Aug 02 2002) More...

Signals And Metalcores

Metal cores of all types are present in all the particles of the universe. Its functioning is powerful in each and every particle's metal core. The particles are activated because of... (Jul 29 2002) More...


The vegetable marrow produced by the plant's kingdom is a very useful food substance. The plant marrow food is available for our use in the market. In whatever form it is available, the... (May 23 2002) More ...

The Bio Plasma Body

The plasma substance fills throughout the universal space. I am mentioning the circumferance occupied by it. All the life forms in the universe get germinated and become 'matter' of this universe... (May 08 2002
) More...

Brain And Frequencies - Hf, Lf And Waves

The striking action of the various frequencies is a stimuli to the sane tendency of the brain cells and power stimulation of the brain organ in totoSound, heat, and electric waves have various frequencies... (Apr 30 2002) More ...

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